Employee Assistance (EASE): Provider
The Centers for Families & Children
Customer Service: 216-241-3273 / 1-800-521-3272
Website: www.easeatwork.com
Company Code: ibewl38
Benefit Flyer: Ease at Work
Variable Copay Progam: A cost-savings program that applies to certain high-cost specialty drugs. The purpose of this program is to take advantage of the financial assistance programs offered by many drug manufacturers, such as co-payment coupons to lower the out-of-pocket costs to participants and generating savings to the Plan. Call OptumRx customer service at 1-855-896-9779 to get started.
Pharmacy Provider:
Customer Service: 1-855-896-9779
Website: www.optumrx.com
Policy ID: Local 38's Member SSN
RX BIN: 610011
Mobile App: OptumRx App
Available for Apple and Android Devices
Please refer to Article IV Section G - Prescription Drug Benefits in the Health & Welfare SPD and subsequent Summary Description of Material Modification for complete information on benefits, limitations, and exclusions.
Dental Provider:
Delta Dental of Ohio
Customer Service: 1-800-524-0149
Website: www.deltadentaloh.com
Group Number: 3800
Policy ID: Local 38's Member SSN
Claims Address: P.O. Box 9085
Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9085
Benefit Flyer: Delta Dental of Ohio Benefits Overview
Vision Provider:
VSP - Vision Service Plan
Customer Service: 1-800-877-7195
Website: www.vsp.com
Provider Network: VSP Choice
Policy ID: Local 38's Member SSN
Benefit Flyer: VSP Benefit Overview